"Let's have a KaiKai" Beautiful angels! It's catchy and sexy! Nancy Reagan would be proud. After reviewing this video some of us feel a little chubby and boring. We liked the beautiful toned bodies. We loved the honesty behind the message of the song. It is not reductive what so ever. We are inspired by the bonding of all the sisters and the expressive yet sensual dance moves... we loved the outfits, and heels. We recognize and appreciate the educational undertone and All the whistle blowing. No more secrets!We also like squirrels and unicorns for sure. We like to party! You seem to LUV mother earth very much. Mother earth LUVS you very much. We LUV you! Thank you for keeping it fun and breezy. Let's keep it simple! It's better. We pledge allegiance to this earth and all her creatures human, animal, plant and mineral and any other 'beings' that cherish Life and equality. We would totally Turn Up the Radio for "Let's Have a Kaikai" It's Everything!!#AMAZINGGGG!