Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Sunday, December 22, 2024


  God Almighty "Prime Creator" Created this earth, he is the proprietor of all planets,  along with unlimited universes in which other living entities live "extra terrestrials"! torturing life forms and programming the mind of human males to continue to attack and rape women, little girls, and boys, and to use Kundalini Technology in order to invade someone else's body in order to  inflict bodily harm is a weapon that is being used by the Central Intelligence Agency that is run by very sick Satanic Homosexuals males who support the torture of children, men, and women in every country. The most recent event that was orchestrated by the Central Intelligence Agency a long with the Israeli Intelligence Agency was the Nova Music Festival Massacre in which the Satanic Homosexuals planned and allowed the heinous gang rape of military female Israeli soldiers and Civilian women at the mercy of their  Satanic militant group "Hamas"  and today this very sick Satanic homosexual males continue to burn children alive in Gaza.

 The Central Intelligence Agency is directly responsible for the continuing destabilization  of South America and Central America in which people in this regions are being severely oppressed spiritually, economically, and physically, and women in this regions continue to fall victims to sexual abuse within their own family structure,  little girls and young women are being rape by their own fathers, uncles, cousins, and in some of the countries in South America government officials were going to legalized incest!  Central America and South America is a laboratory for the Central Intelligence Agency experimentation with human behavior. The Central Intelligence Agency Satanic Homosexuals  take  pride at stealing from poor people and  ruining the lives of hardworking working people in every country.

 Most women in South America are being force to sale their bodies from a very young age in order to have food, water, and a place to live. Most youth in these  regions  do not have a future to look forward to even though they have gone to universities and graduated. Young Men and Women  are being raised to accept being rape as a way of life and for the young males to continue to steal from women and to rape women. For many years now Little girls and young women have fallen pray to predators from the United States Of America,   that are looking to have sex in exchange for $5 dollars. These monsters have maintained the Sex Turism business in these regions of the world.

 The Central Intelligence Agency is directly responsible for all of the current use of sexual violence in Central and South America. The Central Intelligence Agency Satanic Homosexual Males have assassinated every man that has attempted to stabilize the countries of these regions and block any form of social and economic reform. The Central Intelligence Agency have successfully conducted their mind control experimentation of South American People with the use of rape and torture.

The Central Intelligence Agency Satanic Homosexuals that branch into all religious orders are dangerous parasites that are not allowed to travel to other star systems nor are they allowed to evolve to higher life forms once they fall dead. These Satanic C.I.A  Homos helped the Nazy Scientists that conducted horrible experiments on Jewish people flee to South America. 

You see the math does not add up, hurting others will not bring you lasting rewards nor will you be able to "ever" have access to sacred technology again if chose to hurt other living entities! No matter how many space ships  or Satellites these Satanic Homosexuals build on top of all the massacres, genocides and torture of other living entities. Massacres that they have planned in order to make money and hoard all the wealth for themselves.  Massacres that these Satanic Males have carry out on this planet earth, no matter how seemingly advance technology these Satanic Homos build, these very sick parasites will only continue to run fast like a Gerbil on a Wheel going no where inside a cage.