There are still 15,000 Ukrainian vaishnavan devotees in Ukraine this includes Vaisnabis, Matas, Maharanis! President Vladimir Putin is ready to end this senseless war! Let's get this straightened out right away!! Let us all take shelter at the lotus feet of the of the god of our understanding! We ask for the Causeless mercy of god Almighty to put an end to all wars to put an end to the Russian Ukraine war and to deliver us from the veil of extreme ignorance! the veil of forgetfulness that has blinded us from seeing and understanding that we are all god's children, that we are all one universal family! Let us be firm and strong and strike deep into the heart of god almighty and open the gate to immortality with our complete surrender at the lotus feet of god almighty the creator of all the souls of living entities, the creator of all the souls of all planets, the supreme authority over our Mother Earth IMAAN our gracious merciful abundant generous benefactor ! We the human race deserve the right to evolve and live a happy healthy immortal life! - Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my Lord and Savior! Glory praise the Lord!