"I am a wiseman of the primal knowledge,
I continue to behold God!
I know the law of fertile inspiration
when it is skillfully tuned,
to those happy days, those quiet lives,
to the defense of the Times,
to the Kings of whom long is the consolations
of their reigns to the things which are on
the face of the earth.
It is difficult to perform such a task
on a new instrument. Why?
Is the Harp lamenting?
Does a cuckoo lament?
Does it sing?
I know it as I know many pleasant things.
I know whrn the spark of hardmness works
from the stones, I know why honeysuckle smells good,
and why crows are the color of silence.
I know the cup
from which the wave
I know the end
of the Dawn.
The inspiration of which I speak,
I have brought up from the depths.
When the great knowledge of the stars is imparted
then will be understood every high thing.
I know the spirit is working
when the most high is exalted.
I know why a hill resounds,
and why the valley is radiant.
I know who made the great pole
which connects heaven and earth.
I and the Land are One;
in the name of the Star Mother
And the Earth Father,
The True Taker
and the Great Giver,
Let us be one Being of Light!
We have become the Body of Spirit
In its most perfect form --
the breath of life is upon us
the star fire lives within us
like Light unto the Void...
We come in the power of the Light
We come in the Light of wisdom
We come in the mercy of the Light,
For the Light Hath Healing in its Wings."
I AM blessed
I AM ONE with you WithIN forever and ever
And So It Is..
I AM blessed
I AM ONE with you WithIN forever and ever
And So It Is..