Did you know that you have within you the portal to all the guidance and inspiration you need to ride the waves of these changing times? This portal can be called your Higher Self. Archangel Gabriel introduced me to my Higher Self in 1990, letting me know that this was the way that I connected with the messages he was sending me. Recently I was told that the Archangels have lifted the veils and are actively working between dimensions to make the bridge more graceful between your conscious mind and your Higher Self. Considering the magnitude of the shifting sands of beliefs and the events that are impacting millions of souls, it is not surprising that the Archangels would intervene to assist people so they could contact the realms of Divine Guidance more freely.
If you are comfortable with the idea of Angels working with you, consider inviting them to assist you in many areas of your life. The Angels will work through your Higher Self, that aspect of you that is connected to your soul and contains the Divine Spark. They are using the link to your Higher Self to help coordinate your awakening consciousness. It is a big help to have your Higher Self filter the energy frequencies and allow you to only receive that which is appropriate for you.
From the time of my first contact with Archangel Gabriel, he was very clear about the role of my Higher Self in making connection to the dimensions that allowed me to receive guidance and wisdom. The teaching tools he gave me, such as the Angelic Alignment posted on my Resources site, made it possible for me to align with my Higher Self through the chakra system, and create a connection I could learn to trust.
Transmissions from Archangel Gabriel:
The seed of God that you can call your Higher Self for simplicity’s sake, is so in touch with your soul that they work in tandem to bring about the fulfillment of your spiritual purpose on Earth. Whenever you feel lost – it is your Higher Self that is missing from your conscious awareness. Taking the time to raise your vibrational frequencies in order to connect with the link to the Angelic Dimensions and all your guidance systems, offers you an experience of the living presence of Divine Love that will melt your resistance and feed your heart in a way nothing else can.