The whole consciousness of the planet is being transformed.
Simply by your presence during this time of transition
are deeply involved,
and the form that the new cycle takes
may be very much influenced by your intention now.
There are prophecies from varied sources about the 22nd of December Solstice in 2012.
We believe the time between now and then is a realistic window of opportunity
in which to accomplish a very necessary shift in human consciousness.
lf you search the web you will find vast quantities of opinions about this date.
The major points of view seem to be these:
1) The Mayan civilisation had God-like powers of foresight and built into their calendar a profound understanding of this crisis that humanity is going though now. They understood the cycles of time that control our history and our planet.
2) A rough geometric alignment of the axial tilt of the Earth with the Sun and the center of our Galaxy will cause a major transformation of some kind. (Alternatively it is the Earth crossing the Galactic equator).
3) 'Novelty Theory' as proposed by Terrence McKenna predicts that the exponentially increasing rate of new ideas and technologies will 'go vertical'.
4) The next Sun Spot cycle will peak in 2012 and looks to be a doozey. We might even get fried. Or - the Earth's magnetic field and or axis are going to shift and cause massive volcanic activity and flooding.
5) a planet or comet will hit the Earth. Nostradamus predicted it.
6) Green men from another dimension will land on the White House lawn and initiate a new age of harmony under Galactic law.
7) The whole thing is just another millenial fever and nothing special will happen
The major points of view seem to be these:
1) The Mayan civilisation had God-like powers of foresight and built into their calendar a profound understanding of this crisis that humanity is going though now. They understood the cycles of time that control our history and our planet.
2) A rough geometric alignment of the axial tilt of the Earth with the Sun and the center of our Galaxy will cause a major transformation of some kind. (Alternatively it is the Earth crossing the Galactic equator).
3) 'Novelty Theory' as proposed by Terrence McKenna predicts that the exponentially increasing rate of new ideas and technologies will 'go vertical'.
4) The next Sun Spot cycle will peak in 2012 and looks to be a doozey. We might even get fried. Or - the Earth's magnetic field and or axis are going to shift and cause massive volcanic activity and flooding.
5) a planet or comet will hit the Earth. Nostradamus predicted it.
6) Green men from another dimension will land on the White House lawn and initiate a new age of harmony under Galactic law.
7) The whole thing is just another millenial fever and nothing special will happen
Okay we admit we made up number 6, but it's really not so different from
some of the 'facts' about 2012 that we have heard.
Lets come back to reality for a moment - instead of trying to predict the future
let's look at what is going on now...
some of the 'facts' about 2012 that we have heard.
Lets come back to reality for a moment - instead of trying to predict the future
let's look at what is going on now...
We do not speak too much about the prophecies themselves
as it is not our purpose to strengthen anyone's attachments
to thoughts about what is or is not 'Real' or 'True'.
Rather we would wish that through your use
of the imagery and information that we bring through
you may awaken to deeper experience of yourself,
and 'truer' understanding of the nature of personal identity, 'mind' and 'belief'.
as it is not our purpose to strengthen anyone's attachments
to thoughts about what is or is not 'Real' or 'True'.
Rather we would wish that through your use
of the imagery and information that we bring through
you may awaken to deeper experience of yourself,
and 'truer' understanding of the nature of personal identity, 'mind' and 'belief'.