Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
The 51st Global Brain Project Weekly WorldWide Meditation Event
When you have written 51 of these things, it gets difficult coming up with something new to say. And who reads them anyway? If you are one of the three people who actually does, all I can say is the same old thing. The only way to actually change the world is to change the consciousness that creates it. And the only way to change the consciousness that creates the world is by generating loads of coherent and loving brainwaves. That, of course, is what we are doing with these meditation events. Please join us and help us make the world a better place. Oh, and by the way, the time of the second meditation is now 30 minutes later.
We believe that the only way to effect real change in the world is to change global consciousness and the Global Brain Project, which organizes these events, was formed to try to do just that. The Global Brain Project provides a focus for these events and defines a new attitude to consciousness -- a peace-filled militancy of love. We will be focusing the power of collective consciousness through regular weekly meditation events and through additional events designed to bring increased coherence to the global brain. The Global Brain Project is dedicated to activating the global brain and nothing is going to do more to make that happen than worldwide collective meditation. This event is not separate from the global revolution that is going on right now. We are as much a part of it as those out on the streets. It is merely that we are approaching the means of bringing about change differently. This event and all others like it are in support of the worldwide revolution and all the protests and protesters. For those who are unconvinced that consciousness is our most powerful tool, I have a note which discusses the subject in detail. It is called The Silent revolution. Please take a look.
This is an opportunity to bring a gigantic burst of consciousness into the world that should have a significant effect. Indeed, if we can get enough people participating it is possible that we could provoke a quantum physics phenomenon known as a Waveform Transition. If we can make this happen we can change the world for the better on a permanent basis. We owe it to ourselves, to all seekers after freedom everywhere and to the world as a whole to participate in this event.
We are looking for this event to be monitored by the Global Consciousness Project. The GCP monitors coherence in global consciousness through a network of over 60 computers producing random binary 24 hours a day. At times of major world events, the binary produced ceases to be random and becomes coherent. At such times, the binary starts to produce streams of zeros or ones rather than a random mix of the two digits. This is believed to be the first indication of the existence of global consciousness. As meditation is the primary way to develop coherent brainwave patterns in the individual, a large collective meditation like this one should generate coherence throughout the entire global brain. If we can get enough people participating, the coherence produced in global consciousness just might register. Through the Global Consciousness Project we have the possibility of monitoring our effects on the global brain.
Please share or copy and paste this post onto your own wall and ask your friends to do the same. Please invite any friends who might have an interest in participating. Please help to make this event viral. This is an opportunity for everyone who wishes that they could be a part of the protest movement to do their bit. Please help to make this happen. Thank you.
Jai Guru Dev