We are like really matures...
New Age Of Activism.com® is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to showcase and distribute artistic excellence on behalf of world peace and equality. New age of activism.com supports the human gene pool's both biological and spiritual evolution, New age of activism.com promotes appreciation, reverence, infinite love, and deep respect for own home planet Terra/Earth and ALL life, above anything else, money, property, or prestige. We love and embrace all life forms and formlessness, holographic or not. We appreciate all beings of creation. No, matter what race, culture, specie, planet, reality/star system/galaxy/universe they may be from or what personality they have chosen to be. Our foundation is that there is one ultimate authority- a loving, non-violent, non-judmental, all embracing, passionate, awesome artist, forgiving, kind, bountiful, honest, compassionate all good things and stuff God as she, he or it may express herself/himself/itself in our conscious, and it has No Name, or number, time or space, beginning or end, and that it remains an infinite wondrous divine mystery.
Conservation of tradition; Newageofactivism.com has chosen to preserve the Names used to express the beauty and diversity of God-dess/Devas/Buddhas/Deites/Suras/Asuras, i.e.e.g. also known as programs or codes within our heart consciousness based on individuals personal understanding of such forces, in ourth artistic presentation to honor and enrich the power of art, music, and story telling utilized throughout our civilization, that shows that there is something greater than ourselves that unifies, renews, rejuvenates, and restores all Life in a every moment, We are forever non-professional, ignorant, uneducated, insecure, inappropriate, naturally illiterate , in all languages written, spoken, and heard on this earth while being self supporting through our own contributions. We are polite and adequately friendly. We have no opinion on outside issues, hence the New Age Of activism.com name ought never to be drawn into public controversy. Freedom of artistic expression, and spiritual inspiration is our gift, and our blessing that we are delighted to share in this earth, in this sector, in this universe. New age of activism.com supports, and enhances share ability, effortlessly.
We are aware that all of the information featured on this artistic hub is already known, and infact we ourselves just found out about it. We are grateful to all individuals who have co-created the information, and beautiful content and we are delighted to experience it, to express it, and to share it. Thank you for letting us be untouchable magnetic service while in a human body of all good things and stuff, and sorts... We are hereby static and indifferent!