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Friday, September 21, 2012

New Age of Activism. com: Book Club: This week's book recommendation- "Genesis of the Grail Kings" by Lawrence Gardener (Page 3))

It was this very concept of self-completeness which posed the ultimate problem for Enlil-Jehovah. In contrast, his brother Enki knew that humans who partook of the Tree of Knowledge (the Anunnaki wisdom) and of the Plant of Birth (the Anunnaki Star Fire) could themselves become almost like gods. Even Jehovah was said to have recognized this and Genesis states that when Adam had taken the fruit of the Tree, Jehovah said, 'Behold, the man is become as one of us'.

Enki, the wise guardian of the Tree of Knowledge, also had another name in the Hebrew tradition, wherein he was called Samael (Sama-El) because he was the designated Lord of Sama in Northern Mesopotamia. The teachings of the mystery schools were very specific about the Trees of Life and Knowledge, and they emulated the wisdom of Enki himself, maintaining:

Nothing is obtained simply by wanting and nothing is achieved by relinquishing responsibility to a higher authority. Belief is the act of be-living, for to be live is to believe, and will is the ultimate medium of the self.

The Sumerian annals relate that Cain's son, King Etâna, partook of the Plant of Birth in order to father his own son and heir, King Baali, while the Plant of Birth was itself associated with individual longevity and the office of kingship. It was, in practice, related to Star Fire and to pineal gland activity, and partaking from the Plant of Birth was the ritual of ingesting the Star Fire: the Anunnaki female essence, which they called the 'nectar of supreme excellence'.

In this regard, the Anunnaki flow-er (the flower or lily) was held to be the cup-bearer: the transmitter of the rich food of the matrix. In this capacity, she was called the Rose of Sharon (Sha-ra-on). This derives from the word Sha, meaning Orbit, along with the words Ra and On, relating to the ultimate Temple of Light. Hence, she was the Rose of the Orbit of Light. The significance of this highly venerated station is actually made apparent in the Bible's esoteric Song of Solomon, wherein the Messianic bride proclaims, 'I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys'.

A Star Fire recipient King was considered to have become qualified for kingship when he reached a predestined state of enlightened consciousness - a state when his aptitudes for wisdom and leadership had been enhanced to a realm of kingship called the Malkû. It was from this Mesopotamian word that the Hebrews derived their words malchus (king) and malkhut (kingdom).

Only in very recent times have medical scientists identified the hormonal secretion of the pineal gland. It was finally isolated in 1968 and the essence was called melatonin, which means 'night-worker' (from the Greek melos, meaning 'black', and tosos, meaning 'labour'). Those with a high melatonin output react strongly against sunlight, which affects their mental capability. They are essentially night operatives and melatonin is called the 'hormone of darkness', being produced only at night or out of sunlight. Exposure to an excess of sunlight actually makes the pineal gland smaller and lessens spiritual awareness, whereas darkness and high pineal activity enhance the keen intuitive knowledge of the subtle mind, while reducing the stress factor.

Melatonin enhances and boosts the body's immune system, and those with high pineal secretion are less likely to develop cancerous diseases. High melatonin production heightens energy, stamina and physical tolerance levels. It is also directly related to sleep patterns, keeping the body temperately regulated with properties that operate through the cardiovascular system. Melatonin is, in fact, the body's most potent and effective antioxidant and it has positive mental and physical anti-ageing properties. This valuable hormone is manufactured by the pineal gland through activating a chemical messenger called serotonin, which transmits nerve impulses across chromosome-pairs at a point called meiosis. This is the moment when the cell nuclei are divided and the chromosomes are halved, to eventually be combined with other half-sets upon fertilization.

Pine-resin was long identified with pineal secretion and was used to make frankincense (the incense of priesthood). Gold, on the other hand, was a traditional symbol of kingship. Hence, gold and frankincense were the traditional substances of the priest-kings of the Messianic line, along with myrrh (a gum resin used as a medical sedative), which was symbolic of death. In the ancient world, higher knowledge was identified as daäth (from which comes the word death). Indeed, the New Testament describes that these three substances, gold, frankincense and myrrh, were presented to Jesus by the Magi, thereby identifying him, beyond doubt, as a hereditary priest-king of the Dragon succession.

Yogic teachers suggest that the pineal gland (which they call the Third Eye, or the Eye of Wisdom) is significant in the process of becoming aware, for it is the ultimate source of the Light. Illuminists and other Rosicrucian adepts have long referred to the pineal as the secret ayin - an ancient word for eye. Interestingly, Enki-Samael was the designated Lord of the Sacred Eye.

It is said that a truly spiritual person can automatically perceive with the Third Eye (the subtle eye of insight), rather than be duped by mundane eyes which reveal only physical presences. Such presences are defined by their place within arbitrary time, but to pineal graduates there is no time to calculate for they live in a dimension where time and space are of little consequence.

And so the Cainite kings of Mesopotamia (the first Dragon Lords of the Messianic bloodline) while already being of high Anunnaki substance, were fed with Anunnaki Star Fire to increase their perception, awareness, and intuition. Consequently, they became masters of knowingness - almost like gods themselves. At the same time, their stamina levels and immune systems were dramatically strengthened so that the anti-ageing properties of the regularly ingested hormonal secretions facilitated extraordinary life-spans.

In addition to the Star Fire ritual, the Bloodline kings were also said to have been nourished with the milk of the Goddess, and it would appear that this contained an enzyme that was itself conducive to active longevity. Today's genetic researchers call this enzyme Telomerase. As recently reported in the Science Journal (Vol 279 - 16 January 1998), corporate studies and those of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, have determined that telomerase has unique anti-ageing properties.

Healthy body cells are programmed to divide many times during a lifetime, but this process of division and replication is finite, so that a non-dividing state is ultimately achieved. This is a crucial factor of ageing. The division potential is controlled by caps at the end of DNA strands (rather like the plastic tips on shoelaces). These caps are the telomeres and, as each cell divides, a piece of telomere is lost. The dividing process ceases when the telomeres have shortened to an optimum and critical length, subsequent to which there is no further cell replication and all that follows is deterioration.

Laboratory experiments with tissue samples have now shown that an application of the genetic enzyme telomerase can prevent telomere shortening upon cell division and replication. Hence, body cells can continue to divide way beyond their naturally restricted programming - just as do cancer cells which achieve immortality through being rich in telomerase.

Telomerase is not usually expressed in normal body tissue but, apart from being present in malignant tumours, it is also apparent in reproductive cells. It seems, therefore, that within our DNA structure is the genetic ability to produce this anti-ageing enzyme, but that the potential has somehow been switched-off and lies dormant. It probably exists within those aspects of our DNA which scientists currently refer to as 'junk'.

In the canonical Bible, we are told that, during the lifetimes of Noah and his sons, Jehovah issued the edict which forbade the ingesting of blood - at least this was the time-frame applied to the edict by the Old Testament compilers in the 6th century BC. It is unlikely, however, that this was the correct time-frame, for at that stage Enlil-Jehovah would have had no such final authority over Anu, Enki and the Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki. Nevertheless, it is apparent that, from that time, the given ages of the patriarchal strain begin to diminish quite considerably, so that from the days of Abraham and Isaac we are presented, in the main, with rather more normal life-spans. In contrast, however, the life-spans of the Sumerian kings in descent from Cain and Etâna continued at a generally high level.

What we do know beyond doubt is that, whatever the realities of the edict and its chronology, a major change in the Star Fire practice became necessary in about 1960 BC. This was when the Bible tells us that Abraham and his family moved northward from Ur of the Chaldees (the capital of Sumer) to Haran in the kingdom of Mari, before turning westward into Canaan. Contemporary historical texts record that Ur was sacked by the King of nearby Elam soon after 2000 BC and, although the city was rebuilt, the new power centre was established at Haran. But Haran was not just the name of a flourishing city, it was the name of Abraham's brother (the father of Lot). Existing documents (discovered in 1934) also reveal that other cities in Mesopotamia were similarly named in accordance with Abraham's forebears - cities such as Terah (Abraham's father), Nahor (Terah's father), Serug (Nahor's father), and Peleg (Serug's grandfather).

Quite apparently, in line with all the Sumerian evidence which supports the kingly line from Cain, these lately discovered reports confirm that the immediate family of Abraham (in the succession after Noah) were also great commissioners of the region in general. Clearly, the patriarchs represented no ordinary family, but constituted a very powerful dynasty. But why would such a long-standing heritage of prominence and renown come to an abrupt end and force Abraham out of Mesopotamia into Canaan? The answer is to be found in clay tablets which can be dated to about 1960 BC. They detail that, at that time, everything changed in the hitherto sacred land of Sumer when invaders came in from all sides. They were Akkadians from the north, Amorites from Syria and Elamites from Persia. The text continues:

When they overthrew, when order they destroyed. Then like a deluge all things together consumed. Whereunto, Oh Sumer! did they change thee? The Sacred Dynasty from the Temple they exiled.

It was at this stage of Sumerian history that the empire fell and Abraham was forced to flee northward from the city of Ur. But what had happened to the Anunnaki: the Grand Assembly of gods who had established everything? Once more, the text continues:

Ur is destroyed, bitter is its lament. The country's blood now fills its holes like hot bronze in a mould. Bodies dissolve like fat in the sun. Our temple is destroyed. Smoke lies on our cities like a shroud. The gods have abandoned us like migrating birds.

In historical terms, this total collapse of the Sumerian empire follows the founding of Babylon by King Ur-Baba in about 2000 BC. Indeed, the story of the Tower of Babel, and the resultant wrath of Jehovah precisely fits the time-frame of the Sumerians' own abandonment by the Anunnaki.

The story in Genesis relates that the people, who were hitherto said by Jehovah to be 'very good', were severely punished because of a strange transgression which had not previously been ruled upon. The apparent transgression was that they all spoke the same language - and the unique language which they all spoke was, of course, Sumerian: the first comprehensively written language on earth.

For a reason which is not made clear in the Bible, the Genesis text explains that Jehovah was not happy about the Tower of Babel - and so he 'did come down, and did confound the language of all the earth'. The Sumerian historical documents tell much the same story, except that the confounding of language is far better explained by the hordes of foreign invaders who came into the region. It transpires that this invasion was the direct result of friction among the Anunnaki, for at Anu's retirement from the Grand Assembly his elder son Enlil-Jehovah assumed the presidency. He proclaimed that he was master of all the Earth, although his brother Enki-Samael could retain sovereignty of the seas.

Enki was not at all happy about his brother's claim because, although Enlil was the elder of the two, his mother (Ki) was their father Anu's junior sister, whereas Enki's mother (Antu) was the senior sister. True kingship, claimed Enki, progressed as a matrilinear institution through the female line, and by this right of descent Enki maintained that he was the firstborn of the royal succession:

I am Enki - he stated - the great brother of the gods. I am he who has been born as the first son of the divine Anu.

As a result, the people of Babylon announced their allegiance to Enki and his son Marduk, which proved unacceptable to Enlil-Jehovah. Having lost his popularity, he opened the gates of Sumer to let in invaders from the surrounding nations. The scribes recorded that he brought about the great and terrible storm which caused the annihilation of all the Sumerian culture, so that their language was no longer predominant and there was a great confusion of tongues.

All the work which had been accomplished in building up a unique civilization over thousands of years was destroyed in one fell swoop by Enlil-Jehovah simply because he would not share authority with his brother Enki. The records confirm that, at that moment in Sumerian history, the Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki simply vacated their seats and departed 'like migrating birds'.

For all that had occurred to the point of Anunnaki departure, an urgent and significant change in kingly procedure was then necessary because the Anunnaki Star Fire was no longer available. A substitute had to be found and, as previously mentioned, the priestly Scarlet Women had been purpose-bred for this. However, it was clear that, however carefully mated, their genetic essence would weaken through the generations having no further Anunnaki input.

In the event, the creation of a more permanent and versatile substitute for the Star Fire was not a problem, for this was the province of a group of previously trained metallurgists whom Enki had called the Master Craftsmen. The first of these great metallurgists to be trained had been Tubal-cain the vulcan - a sixth-generation descendant of Cain, who is remembered today in modern Freemasonry.

In consideration of the Bible's New Testament, it is of particular interest to note that Jesus's father, Joseph, was himself recorded in the early Gospels as being a Master Craftsman. In modern English-language Bibles, he is described as a carpenter, but this is a blatant mistranslation. The word 'carpenter' was wrongly derived from the Greek ho-tekton (a derivative of the Semitic naggar) which actually defined a Master of the Craft (or Master Craftsman). Joseph was, therefore, not a wood-worker, but a learned alchemical metallurgist in the manner of his ancestral forebears.