or, Brother Can you Spare a Paradigm?
You wouldn’t find any disagreement today about the trouble we are in. Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, whether you are from the U.S. or from elsewhere, the crisis is worldwide.
Beyond cheerleaders for us to be all that we can be, where eventually enough people will be evolved enough so that 100 monkeys will shift our worldview from one based on separation to one based on oneness, we don’t talk about our fundamental thought process that gave rise to much of what challenges us. Is a waiting game the only option? Seeing as there is no sign we are near the tipping point, what else could we do?
This is what I’m focusing on now. And I think I have a key.
We need public conversation about the discrepancy between the quantum perspective that science has progressed to and our worldview that’s still based on Newtonian physics. Newton’s is a dualistic world of opposing parts and linear progression, where we are encompassed by space and existing in time. But, in the quantum reality, which goes beyond space and time, everything is entangled. We are interconnected and interdependent. We are one.
So, how about dealing with this very publicly so people become acquainted with our situation? In fact, it’s bizarre that we aren’t talking about what supports the way things are. Where greed prevails and war is our method of mediation, we don’t have the method of mediation, we don’t have the platform for things like global warming to be addressed. Some new agreement, worldwide, has to take us over. Slogans would be, “More for you is more for me,” and, “Whoever does the most good wins.” An ad campaign could help. But, until we start talking, educating humanity to what is so, we won’t come up with anything proactive to do.
My advocacy for conversation has evolved from my work with the crop circle phenomenon and the stimulus it could provide to open our minds to a bigger reality. We don’t operate collectively, as humanity, but, if there were proof that there is off-planet intelligence, we’d all be on the same side – a united humanity in relation to “the other.”
The media has done a poor job of dealing with the circles. Programs made by cable stations in the U.S. have been short on accuracy and long on cynicism. But, there’s more going on than perpetrations by people with boards and ropes. The god of science has pronounced the circles to be genuine mysteries, with no way to account for changes to the biology of the plants and the chemistry of the soil. Hoaxes aside, whatever or whoever is delivering these artworks, it’s not us.