NaturalNews) From Alabama to Wisconsin and every state in between, the Mosquito Squad is ready to exterminate any insect that gets in your way. According to a recent article:
"Usually when I get up in the morning, the birds are all over my front and back lawns, feeding on bugs and the millions of other things living in my neighborhood. But on Friday, the day after Mosquito Squad sprayed, there wasn't a bird in sight."
No bugs; no birds. It's just the way nature works. It seems that this newly sprayed lawn was officially bug and bird-free. Is that the smartest and healthiest way to go?
According to the company website, in order to maintain a bug free environment, lawns must be sprayed every three weeks throughout the summer. That means children and family members may consistently come into contact with pesticides that can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin and ingested.
Exactly what is this company using to kill the bugs? The franchise refrains from using the term pesticide; instead they advertise that the product "paralyses and kills the insects." The goal is to kill mosquitoes and ticks. The active ingredient in the spray is a SYNTHETIC REPRODUCTION of a substance derived from chrysanthemum flowers.
Pyrethrum is the natural insecticide made from certain species of chrysanthemum. Pyrethrum is less toxic to the environment and breaks down in a matter of hours. Permethrin, on the other hand, is a synthetic, man made alternative to Pyrethrum. This insecticide was developed to match the effectiveness of natural pyrethrum but is more stable in sunlight. It is also more damaging to the environment with a half life of one to three weeks on plants.
Like all synthetic pyrethroids, Pyrethrum is a neurotoxin. Symptoms of toxicity include tremors, incoordination, elevated body temperature, increased aggressive behavior and disruption of learning. Laboratory tests suggest that Permethrin is more acutely toxic to children than to adults. It is also toxic to honey bees and other beneficial insects, fish, aquatic insects, crayfish and shrimp. For many species concentrations of less than one part per billion are lethal. Dermal exposures to cats and dogs may cause temporary paresthesia and neurological signs as evidenced by paw flicking or ear, tail or skin twitching, or rolling on the ground.
Permethrin causes deformities and other developmental problems in tadpoles and reduces the number of oxygen carrying cells in the blood of birds. It has been found in streams and rivers throughout the U.S. and is routinely found in produce, particularly spinach, tomatoes, celery, lettuce and peaches. It has also been found in 12 percent of baby food samples tested, especially in peaches and plums.
As difficult as it is may be to live with our bug population, toxic poisons is not the way to go. Take time to research the effects these toxic chemicals may have on your family. Be aware that the younger the child, the possibility of greater neurotoxic effects. So what is the way to go? How about trying the organic squad?
Outdoor screen tents provide protection from all bugs and watching the bees, butterflies and dragonflies be a part of your surroundings is a joyful and learning experience. Today's natural bug repellents work better than ever; so keep trying until you find one that is right for your family. Keep your immune system healthy by eating organic food, drinking pure water and helping to work toward a chemical-free environment. Together, we can change the world, one child at a time!
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