I know! I know! I have heard this before! for those people who have empowered the believe system of karma like We use to this channeling may help you diffuse this believe. karma is simply "Action or deed" Unfortunately, the translation of karma is widely misunderstood as a form of punishment or reward based on one's actions. Some may even go as far as saying that we recycle karma from other lives. It is our understanding that we give power to karma when we allow guilt and shame to be part of our learning process. This is how we allow the mind to become our punisher. Obviously, there are tons of religious institutions that have been set up in a way that empowers the believe system of Good Karma and bad karma. Some belief systems empower karma as the reason why a man is born into poverty or into wealth, or why success happens to some and not to others. The lessons we learn here in this physical plane are neither good or bad they are simply lessons. We were not born in sin. Being at peace with one's creation is key, taking responsibility for this creations leads to freedom. Forgiving ourselves and others for creating experiences that brought about separation unifies self with creation. Understanding that everything around us is connected to us gives birth to a more peaceful way of living. Spirit, creator, god, goddess, divine mother, Alll That Is, Source IS karma free and since we are made in her/his image so are We. So if today is our last day on this earth plane we celebrate knowing that we are completely In Love with the totality of our creation. We embrace oneness. We are eternal. We are magical forever and ever . And So It Is...
Living with an attitude of taking one day at a time allows you to enjoy the fullness of every moment. When, in those days you are faced with a challenge it changes your attitude toward the challenge, for no longer is it a case of fearing that the challenge will destroy your future, or that the challenge is going to debilitate you. You don't have to fear that the challenge will remain for days and weeks and months on end. Why? Because the challenge is present right now and right here. What is your challenge showing you? And what, right now, can you do about it? What do you have at your disposal in this moment that allows you to see that you have the energy, know-how and ability to move beyond it?"
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