Bill Donahue irrefutably lays out the origins of Christianity, which includes the surprising story behind why all churches have steeples.
Because Christianity is one of the newest religions, they took something from every previous religion.
The birth of Jesus Christ was copied word for word from the birth of Hari Krishna, where the virgin mother gave birth to him on December 25th (the winter solstice). This religion predates Christianity by thousands of years before Jesus was allegedly born.
The origins of Christianity can be found in ancient Egypt where there was a great contrast between the people who had money (the priests and politicians) and those who didn’t. They had a longing for blessed immortality beyond the grave so they invented an afterlife where the entrance into the afterlife was based on how well a person practiced their religion, not how good they were.
The origins of Christianity can be found in ancient Egypt where there was a great contrast between the people who had money (the priests and politicians) and those who didn’t. They had a longing for blessed immortality beyond the grave so they invented an afterlife where the entrance into the afterlife was based on how well a person practiced their religion, not how good they were.
Jesus taught the single eye meditation, which is the one thing that Christians say is evil.
Long before Christianity, people tried to find salvation in the Kingdom of Osiris. Before Osiris, was Ra, who was born from an egg, which is part of the Easter myth.

When God came from the egg, he became Amen Ra. His first name was actually “Amen” which is why you say “Amen” in your prayers as opposed to the common belief that “Amen” means “so be it”.
In the bible, Jesus actually refers to himself as the Egyptian Sun God, as written in Matthew 2.
After Ra was born out of the egg, he had a daughter named Maat, who represented “Spirit”. His son, Thoth represented the “Word”. This is the origin of the Holy Trinity.
In Memphis, Egypt, the story of creation involved God taking his sexual organ in his right hand and masturbated. His semen fell to the ground and life was given to the Earth.
In Memphis, Egypt, the story of creation involved God taking his sexual organ in his right hand and masturbated. His semen fell to the ground and life was given to the Earth.
And who was born from this semen long before the bible was written? Adam, or Atum (or Atom, the center of all life and the center of the Universe). The name was changed to fit the English culture and was changed to Adam in Genesis.
Both the Egyptians and the Greeks believed it was a sacrilege to revel their doctrines of their mysteries, which is why Jesus spoke in parables.
Donahue believes that the Kingdom of God is in the right hemisphere of your brain. You can activate it by doing what Jesus said in John 21:6 by “casting your net to the right side”.
The Sun God from Egypt, Ra, means “the divine mind”. His wife’s name was Nut. Ra caugh Nut embracing Zeb, the Earth God. Because of Nut’s infidelity, Ra decreed that Nut’s offspring could not be born on any day of the year. Thoth (the equivalent of Jesus) intervened on Nut’s behalf and won for her a 70 second portion of each day, which added up to 5 additional days that were added to the 360 day calendar. Now, with the adaptation of the 365 day calendar, the Earth was
in alignment with the seasons. After Thoth rescued Nut, she gave birth to 5 children: day 1, Osiris; day 2 Horus; day 3, Set; day 4, isis and on day 5, Nephthys.
Isis married Osiris and they gave birth to Horus, too.

Isis married Osiris and they gave birth to Horus, too.
There is a statue of Isis sitting on a chair with baby Horus on her lap (right image). In one of the European Catholic cathedrals, the same exact sculpture is used to show the baby Jesus sitting on the lap of Mary.

Christians get freaked out if you mention that the bible is astrotheology, yet in Genesis on the first page, God says to let the stars be for signs. Psalms 1:47 says God named all of the stars. Why did he call them Sagittarius, Aquarius, etc…? The whole bible was written in the stars long before it was put on paper. You can read the entire bible by looking at the stars.
Osiris was crowned King of Egypt at the age of 28 and ruled for 28 years. The number 28 is in reference to the lunar cycle. Communion consisted of bread and beer.
When the culture of Osiris spread to Greece, it became the culture of Dionysus, who was the God of Wine, so communion was changed to bread and wine, which is still carried on today.