Mayan Elder, Don Alejandro, disspells any doomsday rumors about the December 21, 2012 end date to the Mayan calendar and gives a precise account of the actual Mayan prophecies and anticipated outcomes.
September 1999 ... Santa Fe, New Mexico
We are all here because it is our destiny, our mission. Spirit has called each of you here. You are special. I am no more special than you are. You
are more than me. I am a poor Mayan. We do not have schools and universities like you do. We live in the poor countryside. What I have is given to me by my father.
The Cosmos is the source of our knowledge.We study the Cosmos. Our books are the Mayan Codices. For us, this is our writing. The hand is a book. We have 5000 codices. We study these. We communicate with the invisible ones, the star people, who gave me my name,"Wandering Wolf." I come in fulfillment of the prophesies of the Mayan and Hopi, which says: "Those of the center will unite the eagle of the north and the condor of the south, because we are one, like the fingers of the hand." This means that the elders of Central America will unite with those of North and South America. This is a fulfillment of our prophesies, that is why I am here.
Our elder astronomers are watching over time and when it will be fulfilled. It shall be fulfilled in Twelve Baktun and it began on August 17, 1987, the Harmonic Convergence. It was then that I began my walk all over the world. The Harmonic Convergence began the Twelve Baktun, Thirteen Bahaou and will end in 2012 or 2013 by your calendar. This will end the fourth period of the sun by our calendar.
There will be huge problems. Catastrophes and cataclysms will befall us. So I have been asked to speak to you and all over the world, of these prophesies and other elders, too. We speak in defense of the natural world. No more pollution of the planet. It cannot survive it, and then we will not be able to survive without our mother earth. There is no more distinction between races and colors and creeds. Your sadness and loneliness is the same as mine.
We have the same feelings of love. Why? We have the same sun, one breath, all the earth is fed by the one sun, air, water-mother earth, and we return here. We are the flower of the earth of different colors, sizes, scents. You and your music -we all go in the same direction: toward the Creator. The Mayans with their hands tied, hearts torn out are in the codices and were fulfilled five hundred years ago and to the present day. These prophesies are being fulfilled. In Guatemala, we cannot ask for food or land, or they will shoot us. They come at night and take our leaders and shoot them and torture them, rape them, and take their hearts out. Pregnant women have their babies torn from their stomachs. These injustices began five hundred years ago and continue to this very day in all the Americas. They want to destroy each other and turn mother earth into money. Soon the illness, heat, suicide and drought arrives. LETS SEE IF WE CAN FIX IT with money when there is no water, polluted land, air, seas...we cannot. We must do it now, before it is too late, we must stop cutting down the trees.
We seek the unity of all people to seek no more pollution. Lets think about the future for our children. What will we leave them? A tank? A gun? We must leave them love, equality, freedom. Earth belongs to the Creator. It is for humans, for man. Man divided and put boundaries around it and owned the land. No one can claim the sun or air - it is for all of us. Maya astrologers know a lot but do not say everything.
In these past days there are many doomsday sayers. On August 11, 1987, the positions of planets in alignment brought more energy on the earth. There will be more earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. During 2012-2013 there will be a great comet and a red comet. We are all creatures of the earth, but in space there are others. Comets might fall elsewhere. These are not predictions of death, but a great illness will come from pollution. That is why we are gathering, to stop the pollution that will cause this great illness. It is the fulfillment of a prophecy.
During 1994, in Guatemala at a meeting of the elders, we lit a sacred fire day and night, and for seventy two hours there were more than three hundred elders participating. Not just to talk about the prophesies, but to awaken the power centers of the earth. That is why we are here now in North America, in Santa Fe. Each elder did their ceremonies for ten days. This was called the Continental Gathering Reunion.
In 1997 we met again in Bogota, Colombia and ended in the Amazon. Over four hundred elders came. From there the indigenous people of North America were selected next in Santa Fe. Hopefully, you will help us. It is a prayer for Creating Peace. At each gathering there are certain papers presented and ceremonies done. Each tribe will share their knowledge and their prophesies, their ceremonies at the ceremonial sites. We struggle to defend our Mother Earth. All the goals discussed at the gathering must be written in a book. We are writing a history and publishing it, so the authorities can read it.
There will be a thirty six hour prayer for peace. Everyone prayed and made offerings and created a memorial. The crystal skulls that are from the Mayan pyramids have been given to a woman to hold and protect. Later they will be returned to the pyramids. Anna Mitchell Hodges is holding them. These crystal skulls were brought from the Pleiades, they speak of reincarnation. The elders know the science of the lives in this. The Mother of Mayan science is Pleiadian. These skulls must go home where they belong. This is the science of the future after 2000. You were called to be here and carry this message. SPREAD THE WORD!!
The Wingmakers are actually the star people. Mayan actually means "my people." They first came to Atlantis. Our first pyramids are there, underwater. In the Bermuda area. Tulan was the name of the city of Atlantis. Their great prophets, (star people), came and gave an oral transmission. It has been passed down for thousands of years. In the beginning there were four of them. The first teachers from the Pleiadestaught the astronomy and the beginning of creation, the Great Mysteries. They have the power of the sixth and seventh senses and the third eye. They came to teach us these things. The way of working together, etc. There have been many visitations from the Pleiades, then they return there, then they come back here again and come down to Asia, Tibet, Kaimaya, and in India also.
"Nagamaya" they were called. There are glyphs that speak of these visitations, like the Wingmakers. More will be discovered when it is time. In 2012, these wise ones will return again. There are some now incarnated in bodies, we do not know who they are and it is a secret until the time comes. This is the return of the ancestors spoken about in the prophesies. They will all arise, not just Mayan, all of us.
The prophecy says: "May it dawn, may the new day come, may people have peace and be happy." To guide you with these messages, it is the message of the dawn...the bringers of the dawn. You will see then where we have come from. The Psychic says we, together will see our mountains, our children, our waters..."Now that I return I see my children confused in different religions and cities destroyed and my mountains and deserts and rivers polluted." When they return in 2012, what will we show them? What will they see? Take this message and share it. This is why we are gathering, to tell people the importance of saving the mother earth, of stopping the pollution.
Thank you. Don Alejandro Wandering Wolf
We are all here because it is our destiny, our mission. Spirit has called each of you here. You are special. I am no more special than you are. You

The Cosmos is the source of our knowledge.We study the Cosmos. Our books are the Mayan Codices. For us, this is our writing. The hand is a book. We have 5000 codices. We study these. We communicate with the invisible ones, the star people, who gave me my name,"Wandering Wolf." I come in fulfillment of the prophesies of the Mayan and Hopi, which says: "Those of the center will unite the eagle of the north and the condor of the south, because we are one, like the fingers of the hand." This means that the elders of Central America will unite with those of North and South America. This is a fulfillment of our prophesies, that is why I am here.
Our elder astronomers are watching over time and when it will be fulfilled. It shall be fulfilled in Twelve Baktun and it began on August 17, 1987, the Harmonic Convergence. It was then that I began my walk all over the world. The Harmonic Convergence began the Twelve Baktun, Thirteen Bahaou and will end in 2012 or 2013 by your calendar. This will end the fourth period of the sun by our calendar.
There will be huge problems. Catastrophes and cataclysms will befall us. So I have been asked to speak to you and all over the world, of these prophesies and other elders, too. We speak in defense of the natural world. No more pollution of the planet. It cannot survive it, and then we will not be able to survive without our mother earth. There is no more distinction between races and colors and creeds. Your sadness and loneliness is the same as mine.
We have the same feelings of love. Why? We have the same sun, one breath, all the earth is fed by the one sun, air, water-mother earth, and we return here. We are the flower of the earth of different colors, sizes, scents. You and your music -we all go in the same direction: toward the Creator. The Mayans with their hands tied, hearts torn out are in the codices and were fulfilled five hundred years ago and to the present day. These prophesies are being fulfilled. In Guatemala, we cannot ask for food or land, or they will shoot us. They come at night and take our leaders and shoot them and torture them, rape them, and take their hearts out. Pregnant women have their babies torn from their stomachs. These injustices began five hundred years ago and continue to this very day in all the Americas. They want to destroy each other and turn mother earth into money. Soon the illness, heat, suicide and drought arrives. LETS SEE IF WE CAN FIX IT with money when there is no water, polluted land, air, seas...we cannot. We must do it now, before it is too late, we must stop cutting down the trees.
We seek the unity of all people to seek no more pollution. Lets think about the future for our children. What will we leave them? A tank? A gun? We must leave them love, equality, freedom. Earth belongs to the Creator. It is for humans, for man. Man divided and put boundaries around it and owned the land. No one can claim the sun or air - it is for all of us. Maya astrologers know a lot but do not say everything.
In these past days there are many doomsday sayers. On August 11, 1987, the positions of planets in alignment brought more energy on the earth. There will be more earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. During 2012-2013 there will be a great comet and a red comet. We are all creatures of the earth, but in space there are others. Comets might fall elsewhere. These are not predictions of death, but a great illness will come from pollution. That is why we are gathering, to stop the pollution that will cause this great illness. It is the fulfillment of a prophecy.
During 1994, in Guatemala at a meeting of the elders, we lit a sacred fire day and night, and for seventy two hours there were more than three hundred elders participating. Not just to talk about the prophesies, but to awaken the power centers of the earth. That is why we are here now in North America, in Santa Fe. Each elder did their ceremonies for ten days. This was called the Continental Gathering Reunion.
In 1997 we met again in Bogota, Colombia and ended in the Amazon. Over four hundred elders came. From there the indigenous people of North America were selected next in Santa Fe. Hopefully, you will help us. It is a prayer for Creating Peace. At each gathering there are certain papers presented and ceremonies done. Each tribe will share their knowledge and their prophesies, their ceremonies at the ceremonial sites. We struggle to defend our Mother Earth. All the goals discussed at the gathering must be written in a book. We are writing a history and publishing it, so the authorities can read it.
There will be a thirty six hour prayer for peace. Everyone prayed and made offerings and created a memorial. The crystal skulls that are from the Mayan pyramids have been given to a woman to hold and protect. Later they will be returned to the pyramids. Anna Mitchell Hodges is holding them. These crystal skulls were brought from the Pleiades, they speak of reincarnation. The elders know the science of the lives in this. The Mother of Mayan science is Pleiadian. These skulls must go home where they belong. This is the science of the future after 2000. You were called to be here and carry this message. SPREAD THE WORD!!
The Wingmakers are actually the star people. Mayan actually means "my people." They first came to Atlantis. Our first pyramids are there, underwater. In the Bermuda area. Tulan was the name of the city of Atlantis. Their great prophets, (star people), came and gave an oral transmission. It has been passed down for thousands of years. In the beginning there were four of them. The first teachers from the Pleiadestaught the astronomy and the beginning of creation, the Great Mysteries. They have the power of the sixth and seventh senses and the third eye. They came to teach us these things. The way of working together, etc. There have been many visitations from the Pleiades, then they return there, then they come back here again and come down to Asia, Tibet, Kaimaya, and in India also.
"Nagamaya" they were called. There are glyphs that speak of these visitations, like the Wingmakers. More will be discovered when it is time. In 2012, these wise ones will return again. There are some now incarnated in bodies, we do not know who they are and it is a secret until the time comes. This is the return of the ancestors spoken about in the prophesies. They will all arise, not just Mayan, all of us.
The prophecy says: "May it dawn, may the new day come, may people have peace and be happy." To guide you with these messages, it is the message of the dawn...the bringers of the dawn. You will see then where we have come from. The Psychic says we, together will see our mountains, our children, our waters..."Now that I return I see my children confused in different religions and cities destroyed and my mountains and deserts and rivers polluted." When they return in 2012, what will we show them? What will they see? Take this message and share it. This is why we are gathering, to tell people the importance of saving the mother earth, of stopping the pollution.
Thank you. Don Alejandro Wandering Wolf